Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization Study
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Consultation has concluded
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Thank you to everyone that shared valuable information for this project. You helped prioritize transportation projects that will benefit our city for years to come. The summary of what we heard is now available in the Documents section of this webpage. Click on “Public Engagement Summary” to review our findings.
What is the Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization Study?
Building off the success of previous analysis and prioritization studies, the City and Larimer County are developing the Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization Study (TCPPS). The TCPPS analyzes safety and congestion data for intersections and arterial roadways within Fort Collins and its Growth Management Area in unincorporated Larimer County. The study, which is nearly complete, will provide a prioritized project list to guide the City and County as they develop a capital improvement plan and seek funding to improve the transportation network. While previous planning efforts like the Transportation Master Plan will be used as touchpoints to include multimodal improvements, the intent is not to update these documents.
Please note that this study only focuses on arterial roadways (major roadways like Drake Road, Timberline Road, etc.) and not local neighborhood streets.
Traduzca esta página al español usando el menú desplegable en la parte superior de esta página.
Thank you to everyone that shared valuable information for this project. You helped prioritize transportation projects that will benefit our city for years to come. The summary of what we heard is now available in the Documents section of this webpage. Click on “Public Engagement Summary” to review our findings.
What is the Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization Study?
Building off the success of previous analysis and prioritization studies, the City and Larimer County are developing the Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization Study (TCPPS). The TCPPS analyzes safety and congestion data for intersections and arterial roadways within Fort Collins and its Growth Management Area in unincorporated Larimer County. The study, which is nearly complete, will provide a prioritized project list to guide the City and County as they develop a capital improvement plan and seek funding to improve the transportation network. While previous planning efforts like the Transportation Master Plan will be used as touchpoints to include multimodal improvements, the intent is not to update these documents.
Please note that this study only focuses on arterial roadways (major roadways like Drake Road, Timberline Road, etc.) and not local neighborhood streets.
Study Timeline
Phase One - Second and Third Quarter 2021
Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization Study has finished this stage
During this phase, the study will:
Analyze safety and congestion data
Seek public input for trouble locations
Develop evaluation criteria
Phase Two - Fourth Quarter 2021 / First Quarter 2022
Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization Study has finished this stage
During this phase, the study will:
Apply criteria to identify high priority locations
Develop evaluation criteria
Phase Three - Late First Quarter / Second Quarter 2022
Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization Study is currently at this stage
During this phase, the study will:
Develop conceptual design and cost estimates for highest priority locations