1041 Regulations

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Consultation has concluded


The City of Fort Collins is developing regulations for water and highway projects that are contextually appropriate to Fort Collins, provide predictability for developers and decision makers, and adequate guidance for review by City staff. The intent is to match or exceed state requirements to ensure the protection of public health, safety, welfare, the environment and wildlife resources.

The City is authorized to create these rules under the authority given by the State of Colorado through a 1974 law commonly known as "1041" (for House Bill 1041). The bill essentially allows local government to regulate activities of state interest through a local permitting process.

While the main 1041 Regulations page will remain active, the OurCity page will contain all of the information related to the development of local regulations, including public outreach opportunities, until regulations are fully adopted.

To stay up-to-date, visit this page often or subscribe to receive project updates.


The initial Draft of 1041 Regulations is available for review. Public meetings to solicit input will be scheduled in August. To review the Draft see: https://www.fcgov.com/planning/1041-regulations


The City of Fort Collins is developing regulations for water and highway projects that are contextually appropriate to Fort Collins, provide predictability for developers and decision makers, and adequate guidance for review by City staff. The intent is to match or exceed state requirements to ensure the protection of public health, safety, welfare, the environment and wildlife resources.

The City is authorized to create these rules under the authority given by the State of Colorado through a 1974 law commonly known as "1041" (for House Bill 1041). The bill essentially allows local government to regulate activities of state interest through a local permitting process.

While the main 1041 Regulations page will remain active, the OurCity page will contain all of the information related to the development of local regulations, including public outreach opportunities, until regulations are fully adopted.

To stay up-to-date, visit this page often or subscribe to receive project updates.


The initial Draft of 1041 Regulations is available for review. Public meetings to solicit input will be scheduled in August. To review the Draft see: https://www.fcgov.com/planning/1041-regulations

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The City of Fort Collins released draft 1041 regulations and staff is seeking your input. The survey below seeks to capture specific input that will help inform key decision points for revising draft regulations. The results of this survey will be combined with feedback received through other engagement efforts, and shared with decision-makers, including Fort Collins City Council. This survey will remain open until September 16th. We appreciate your time in this process.

    Consultation has concluded
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