What is the Strategic Trails Plan?
The Strategic Trails Plan is a planning document that will guide the future planning, design, maintenance, and preservation of the recreational paved trail system.
In Fort Collins, planning documents are adopted by City Council and often guide policy action, budget prioritization through the Budgeting For Outcomes process, and allocation of staffing resources.
I am hoping Fort Collins will build a bike park or a pickleball complex in the future. Will the Strategic Trails Plan discuss those types of amenities?
While recreational amenities such as bike parks and pickleball complexes are important, the Strategic Trails Plan will focus solely on the paved trail network. This will include the maintenance and expansion of trails such as the Power Trail, Long View Trail, and Spring Creek Trail.
Want more details on parks and rec? Check out the ReCreate: Parks & Recreation Master Plan for information on current and future amenities.
I enjoy walking on the trails and am concerned about e-bikes and scooters. Will the STP eliminate electric devices on trails?
Fort Collins City staff understand that trail users come in many forms. We want to build a network of trails that allow for recreation, transportation, and safe connection for all.
The STP process will help identify what values the community has around paved trails, and how policies should be written and resourced in the future to ensure that everyone who wants to access a paved trail can do so in a safe and easy manner.
How can I be involved in the STP planning process?
You're in the right place! The Our City project website will be kept up to date with information about the STP, opportunities for in-person engagement, dates and times of key meetings and Council presentations, and more.
You can also subscribe to the project to receive periodic emails from the planning team with information about the project. Want to connect? Check out the "Who's Listening" box on the Our City page and reach out directly to staff for more support.
Why does it take so long for a trail to be built in Fort Collins?
While seemingly simple in nature, the planning, design, and construction of a paved trail can be (surprisingly) complex! There are several steps involved in trail building which can include securing land access or easements for the trail path, identifying funding, working around existing barriers (such as flood plains, ditches or railroads, or obstructions), and designing and constructing the trail itself.
Adopting a well-developed plan, such as the STP, addressing the growth and implementation of our paved trail system is just one key component to moving forward in a timely and successful manner.