Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan

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Consultation has concluded

We are excited to announce that the City's first Wireless Master Plan has been completed! This project was made possible by the $50,000 appropriation from the 2019-2020 biennial budget and aimed to address the issues related to poor wireless service in our community.

The plan is designed to better position the City for future deployment of wireless telecommunication infrastructure while minimizing visual impacts to neighborhoods and the community. The City staff is now working on implementing the adopted regulations to ensure that the plan is carried out effectively.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, work on the plan resumed in September 2020

We are excited to announce that the City's first Wireless Master Plan has been completed! This project was made possible by the $50,000 appropriation from the 2019-2020 biennial budget and aimed to address the issues related to poor wireless service in our community.

The plan is designed to better position the City for future deployment of wireless telecommunication infrastructure while minimizing visual impacts to neighborhoods and the community. The City staff is now working on implementing the adopted regulations to ensure that the plan is carried out effectively.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, work on the plan resumed in September 2020, and we are proud to say that it has been completed successfully. We would like to thank everyone who participated in our project survey and dropped a pin on our map to rate their wireless service. Your feedback was invaluable in helping us identify areas that needed improvement.

We believe that this Wireless Master Plan will help guide decision and improve wireless service in our community, and we look forward to seeing its positive impact on our residents and businesses. Thank you for your support!

Consultation has concluded
  • Wireless Master Plan - Phase 2 Meeting September 30th

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The City of Fort Collins will hold a virtual open house next week to provide an update on the ongoing development of the Wireless Master Plan.

    The meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 30, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The link to the Zoom meeting will be posted on the day of the meeting here on the project webpage (https://ourcity.fcgov.com/wirelessmasterplan).

    The Wireless Master Plan is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of existing wireless infrastructure, such as cell phone towers, within the Fort Collins Growth Management Area and help ensure that any future deployments do not create unnecessary or redundant wireless infrastructure.

    The effort is also expected to help guide updates to City policy and Land Use Code standards related to wireless telecommunication facilities.

    Wednesday’s meeting will feature an update on the plan’s development. Staff and consultants will be available to discuss the planning process, local conditions, and other questions related to regulations for wireless service.

  • The initial findings of the team is that the study area contains 101 wireless sites!

    Share The initial findings of the team is that the study area contains 101 wireless sites! on Facebook Share The initial findings of the team is that the study area contains 101 wireless sites! on Twitter Share The initial findings of the team is that the study area contains 101 wireless sites! on Linkedin Email The initial findings of the team is that the study area contains 101 wireless sites! link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The map shows exact locations of all wireless infrastructure located in our community. This infrastructure provides service to four main service providers in our area, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile.

  • Wireless Master Plan Kick-Off Open Houses March 9th & 11th

    Share Wireless Master Plan Kick-Off Open Houses March 9th & 11th on Facebook Share Wireless Master Plan Kick-Off Open Houses March 9th & 11th on Twitter Share Wireless Master Plan Kick-Off Open Houses March 9th & 11th on Linkedin Email Wireless Master Plan Kick-Off Open Houses March 9th & 11th link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    City Staff will be hosting two public Open House events to officially kickoff the Wireless Master Plan on the evenings of March 9th and 11th (see details below).

    • Wireless Master Plan Open House #1
      • Monday 03/09/2020
      • 6:00-8:00pm
      • Fort Collins Senior Center, Twinberry Auditorium
    • Wireless Master Plan Open House #2
      • Wednesday 03/11/2020
      • 6:00-8:00pm
      • Northside Aztlan Community Center, Eagle Rooms 1 & 2

    The Open Houses will include a presentation by City Staff to discuss why the planning process is taking place, and what it will entail. Additionally, the City’s hired consultant, Cityscape,will present their inventory of Wireless Telecommunication Facilities throughout the City. As the subject experts on wireless facilities Cityscape representatives will be able to answer questions about their methods and existing federal regulations for wireless service.

    Staff looks forward to the community's attendance and participation in these important events!

  • CityScape Starts Inventory of Fort Collins Wireless Facilities

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    On January 27, 2020 CityScape staff began their inventory of Wireless Telecommunication Facilities across the City of Fort Collins. This inventory will be used to provide a comprehensive overview of the City's existing telecommunication infrastructure, and will help guide/inform where future facilities are most needed.

    The information gathered by CityScape will be available for the public at a future neighborhood meeting. Stay tuned!

    To learn more about about CityScape and their background please visit their webpage here: https://cityscapegov.wordpress.com/about/