Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan
Consultation has concluded
We are excited to announce that the City's first Wireless Master Plan has been completed! This project was made possible by the $50,000 appropriation from the 2019-2020 biennial budget and aimed to address the issues related to poor wireless service in our community.
The plan is designed to better position the City for future deployment of wireless telecommunication infrastructure while minimizing visual impacts to neighborhoods and the community. The City staff is now working on implementing the adopted regulations to ensure that the plan is carried out effectively.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, work on the plan resumed in September 2020Continue reading
We are excited to announce that the City's first Wireless Master Plan has been completed! This project was made possible by the $50,000 appropriation from the 2019-2020 biennial budget and aimed to address the issues related to poor wireless service in our community.
The plan is designed to better position the City for future deployment of wireless telecommunication infrastructure while minimizing visual impacts to neighborhoods and the community. The City staff is now working on implementing the adopted regulations to ensure that the plan is carried out effectively.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, work on the plan resumed in September 2020, and we are proud to say that it has been completed successfully. We would like to thank everyone who participated in our project survey and dropped a pin on our map to rate their wireless service. Your feedback was invaluable in helping us identify areas that needed improvement.
We believe that this Wireless Master Plan will help guide decision and improve wireless service in our community, and we look forward to seeing its positive impact on our residents and businesses. Thank you for your support!
Experiencing issues with your wireless service?
Share Experiencing issues with your wireless service? on Facebook Share Experiencing issues with your wireless service? on Twitter Share Experiencing issues with your wireless service? on Linkedin Email Experiencing issues with your wireless service? linkThe City is currently scoping an effort to submit a 'bulk mobile challenge' to the Federal Communication Commission. This challenge will highlight the fact that over 1/2 of the city is currently deficient in wireless coverage and network capacity, and will hopefully encourage providers to invest in infrastructure improvements to better serve residents. You can help by downloading the Federal Communication Commission's Speed Test App on your iOS or Android device and submitting a speed test challenge.
The FCC Speed Test App provides information about the performance of your Wi-Fi or mobile wireless internet connection. The app also helps to verify the accuracy and reliability of the mobile broadband coverage data that providers report on the FCC’s National Broadband Map. Anyone can submit Challenge Speed Tests from the app to dispute inaccurate mobile coverage or speeds shown on the map. These challenges will be combined with other speed tests to create disputed areas subject to challenge. Once enough challenges have been collected, mobile providers must demonstrate that the challenged areas are covered by submitting their own supplemental data or remove the disputed areas from their coverage maps.
City Council Adopts Updated Wireless Telecommunication Standards
Share City Council Adopts Updated Wireless Telecommunication Standards on Facebook Share City Council Adopts Updated Wireless Telecommunication Standards on Twitter Share City Council Adopts Updated Wireless Telecommunication Standards on Linkedin Email City Council Adopts Updated Wireless Telecommunication Standards linkOn February 7, 2023, City Council approved new Land Use Code standards for wireless communication facilities. These new regulations are in line with the Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan and aim to ensure consistency in decision timelines for development applications.
The key changes in regulations include:
- Alignment with Federal Communication Commission shot clock requirements
- Creation of new compatibility requirement for wireless towers
- Update to the City's policy to allow wireless towers and equipment on City-owned property
- Creation of process incentives when wall or roof mounted equipment is proposed to be installed on existing buildings
The new compatibility requirement for wireless towers establishes an area of adjacency around proposed facilities to ensure greater compatibility in design. This will help to reduce the visual impact of these facilities on the surrounding area.
In addition, the City's policy has been updated to allow wireless towers and equipment on City-owned property such as parks and golf courses. This will provide more options for wireless providers to expand their network coverage.
Finally, the creation of process incentives for wall or roof mounted equipment will encourage the installation of equipment on existing buildings rather than the construction of new towers.
More information about these standards can be found by visiting Ordinance No. 011,2023. With these new regulations in place, the City hopes to strike a balance between the needs of wireless providers and the concerns of residents.
Draft of Wireless Code Updates Recommended for Approval by P&Z
Share Draft of Wireless Code Updates Recommended for Approval by P&Z on Facebook Share Draft of Wireless Code Updates Recommended for Approval by P&Z on Twitter Share Draft of Wireless Code Updates Recommended for Approval by P&Z on Linkedin Email Draft of Wireless Code Updates Recommended for Approval by P&Z linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.On November 17th the Planning & Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Draft Wireless Code updates of the recently adopted Land Development Code. A copy of the Draft changes can be found HERE or in the documents library on this main project page.
Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan City Council Adoption Draft
Share Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan City Council Adoption Draft on Facebook Share Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan City Council Adoption Draft on Twitter Share Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan City Council Adoption Draft on Linkedin Email Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan City Council Adoption Draft linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan is scheduled for First Reading at the City Council Regular Session on October 5th, 2021. A copy of the Adoption draft which has incorporated the Planning & Zoning Commission's recommended revisions can be viewed here.
Planning & Zoning Commission Recommends Approval of Plan
Share Planning & Zoning Commission Recommends Approval of Plan on Facebook Share Planning & Zoning Commission Recommends Approval of Plan on Twitter Share Planning & Zoning Commission Recommends Approval of Plan on Linkedin Email Planning & Zoning Commission Recommends Approval of Plan linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.At the September 16th Planning & Zoning Commission meeting the Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Wireless Telecommunications Master Plan with conditions regarding revisions to the Plan that will be made prior to the City Council First Reading scheduled for October 5th. Those proposed revisions can be found on pages 36-42 of the Planning & Zoning Commission packet here: https://citydocs.fcgov.com/?cmd=convert&vid=46&dt=AGENDA&docid=3524892&board=PLANNING+AND+ZONING+BOARD&docdate=SEP-16-2021
Updated Draft Wireless Master Plan
Share Updated Draft Wireless Master Plan on Facebook Share Updated Draft Wireless Master Plan on Twitter Share Updated Draft Wireless Master Plan on Linkedin Email Updated Draft Wireless Master Plan linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The revised draft of the Wireless Master Plan is available for public review and comment here. It is anticipated that this Plan draft will be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission on September 16th to seek their recommendation of adoption to the City Council. If you have questions or comments on the draft plan please reach out to Will Lindsey, Project Manager at wlindsey@fcgov.com(External link).
Draft Wireless Master Plan
Share Draft Wireless Master Plan on Facebook Share Draft Wireless Master Plan on Twitter Share Draft Wireless Master Plan on Linkedin Email Draft Wireless Master Plan linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The draft of the Wireless Master Plan is available for public review and comment here until Monday June 14th. Staff will then make edits, and repost an updated draft of the plan in July. It is anticipated that the Plan will be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission on September 16th to seek their recommendation of adoption to the City Council. If you have questions or comments on the draft plan please reach out to Will Lindsey, Project Manager at wlindsey@fcgov.com.
Zoom Link for Wireless Master Plan Meeting - 03/22/2021 6:00-8:00pm
Share Zoom Link for Wireless Master Plan Meeting - 03/22/2021 6:00-8:00pm on Facebook Share Zoom Link for Wireless Master Plan Meeting - 03/22/2021 6:00-8:00pm on Twitter Share Zoom Link for Wireless Master Plan Meeting - 03/22/2021 6:00-8:00pm on Linkedin Email Zoom Link for Wireless Master Plan Meeting - 03/22/2021 6:00-8:00pm linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Meeting ID Number: 936 2073 3540
Before the session:
- Find a private space without much background noise where you will not be interrupted.
- For best performance, limit the other programs open on your computer.
- Get connected 15 minutes before the start of the meeting to test audio settings.
To join the session:
- On your phone: Dial +1 669 900 9128 and enter Meeting ID: 936 2073 3540
- In the Zoom app: Enter Meeting ID 936 2073 3540
- In a browser: Visit https://zoom.us/join and enter 936 2073 3540
During the session:
- You will join the meeting and be automatically muted.
- Use the "raise hand" button (located in the "Participants" tab) or dial *9 on the phone to let us know you'd like to speak. City staff will call on you and unmute you when it is your turn.
- Please state your name when you speak.
Wireless Master Plan - Phase 3 Meeting March 22nd
Share Wireless Master Plan - Phase 3 Meeting March 22nd on Facebook Share Wireless Master Plan - Phase 3 Meeting March 22nd on Twitter Share Wireless Master Plan - Phase 3 Meeting March 22nd on Linkedin Email Wireless Master Plan - Phase 3 Meeting March 22nd linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The City of Fort Collins will hold a virtual meeting on March 22nd from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to provide an update on Phase 3 of the project, and the ongoing development of the Wireless Master Plan.
A link to the Zoom meeting will be posted on the day of the meeting on this webpage.
A project survey is also posted (click the Survey tab above), and anyone interested in the project is encouraged to participate!
The Plan is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of existing wireless infrastructure within the Fort Collins Growth Management Area and help ensure that any future deployments do not create unnecessary or redundant wireless infrastructure. The effort is also expected to help guide updates to City policy and Land Use Code standards related to wireless telecommunication facilities.
The meeting will feature an overview of the analysis conducted since Fall 2020, and an update on the plan’s development. Staff and consultants will be available to discuss the planning process, existing conditions, and potential policy recommendations the City is exploring.
Zoom Link for Wireless Master Plan Meeting - 09/30/20 6:00-8:00pm
Share Zoom Link for Wireless Master Plan Meeting - 09/30/20 6:00-8:00pm on Facebook Share Zoom Link for Wireless Master Plan Meeting - 09/30/20 6:00-8:00pm on Twitter Share Zoom Link for Wireless Master Plan Meeting - 09/30/20 6:00-8:00pm on Linkedin Email Zoom Link for Wireless Master Plan Meeting - 09/30/20 6:00-8:00pm linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Meeting ID Number: 929 1111 4246
Before the session:
- Find a private space without much background noise where you will not be interrupted.
- For best performance, limit the other programs open on your computer.
- Get connected 15 minutes before the start of the meeting to test audio settings.
To join the session:
- On your phone: Dial +1 669 900 9128 and enter Meeting ID: 929 1111 4246
- In the Zoom app: Enter Meeting ID 958 4758 0063.
- In a browser: Visit https://zoom.us/join and enter 929 1111 4246
During the session:
- You will join the meeting and be automatically muted.
- Use the "raise hand" button (located in the "Participants" tab) or dial *9 on the phone to let us know you'd like to speak. City staff will call on you and unmute you when it is your turn.
- Please state your name when you speak.
Before the session:
Who's listening
Phone 970-416-4284 Email kkleer@fcgov.com
Document Library
- Adopted Wireless Telecommunication Standards 02.07.23 (1.49 MB) (pdf)
- P&Z Draft Wireless Code Changes 11.02.22.pdf (1.45 MB) (pdf)
- WTC City Council Work Session 08.23.2022.pdf (952 KB) (pdf)
- WMP City Council Work Session 01.25.22.pdf (1.61 MB) (pdf)
- Wireless Telecommunications Master Plan_FINAL (12.9 MB) (pdf)
- Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan City Council Adoption Draft (12.9 MB) (pdf)
- Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan P&Z Adoption Draft (12.6 MB) (pdf)
- UPDATED DRAFT Wireless Master Plan August 2021 (39.2 MB) (pdf)
- DRAFT Wireless Master Plan May 2021.pdf (4.56 MB) (pdf)
- WMP Survey Responses Report 2021 (1.12 MB) (pdf)
- Wireless Master Plan FAQ.pdf (874 KB) (pdf)
- Public Kickoff Meeting Packet (9.64 MB) (docx)
Project Initiation
Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan has finished this stageWinter 2020
Finalize work plan, draft community engagement plan
COVID-19 Delay
Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan has finished this stageSpring 2020
Where are we now? Where are we headed?
Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan has finished this stageSummer 2020
Gather data to build a "snapshot" of Fort Collins today; learn about existing conditions, issues, needs, and priorities
Scenario Development
Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan has finished this stageFall 2020/Winter 2021
Discuss several possible future deployment scenarios
Draft Plan Development
Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan has finished this stageSpring/Summer 2021
Share the draft plan, including a preferred scenario, policies, and recommendations; develop and revise draft plan based on community input
Plan Adoption
Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan has finished this stageSummer/Fall 2021
Present Wireless Master Plan to Planning & Zoning Commission and Council for consideration of adoption
Wireless Code Update
Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan has finished this stageFall 2022
Draft and adoption of Land Development Code Changes.
Wireless Code Implementation
Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan is currently at this stageWinter 2023
Updated code standards go into effect at beginning of 2023.