Consultation has concluded

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  • Staff Summary: Dec. 15, 2022, Water Commission Presentation

    Share Staff Summary: Dec. 15, 2022, Water Commission Presentation on Facebook Share Staff Summary: Dec. 15, 2022, Water Commission Presentation on Twitter Share Staff Summary: Dec. 15, 2022, Water Commission Presentation on Linkedin Email Staff Summary: Dec. 15, 2022, Water Commission Presentation link

    On December 15, 2022, Katie Collins, Water Conservation Specialist, shared four opportunities to impact xeriscape and soil amendment policy with the Water Commission. The opportunities were based on best practices research and public engagement input. Water Commission provided input in advance of the City Council Work Session scheduled for January 10, 2023.

    The opportunities:

    1. Less turf in new and re-development (three options)
    2. Allow synthetic turf in some scenarios
    3. Expanded irrigation guidelines and residential equipment efficiency
    4. Increase flexibility in soil amendment policy

    The water commission agreed that high-water-use grass in medians and parkways serves little purpose and presented an opportunity to limit turf. Much of the conversation was about specific ideas to further the opportunities, as well as describing where the City can make improvements. Two large themes that came from this discussion were education and affordability.

  • Staff Summary: Dec. 15, 2022, Natural Resource Advisory Board

    Share Staff Summary: Dec. 15, 2022, Natural Resource Advisory Board on Facebook Share Staff Summary: Dec. 15, 2022, Natural Resource Advisory Board on Twitter Share Staff Summary: Dec. 15, 2022, Natural Resource Advisory Board on Linkedin Email Staff Summary: Dec. 15, 2022, Natural Resource Advisory Board link

    On December 15, 2022, Katie Collins, Water Conservation Specialist, shared four opportunities to impact xeriscape and soil amendment policy with the Natural Resource Advisory Board. The opportunities were based on best practices research and public engagement input. The Natural Resource Advisory Board provided input in advance of the City Council Work Session scheduled for January 10, 2023.

    The opportunities:

    1. Less turf in new and re-development (three options)
    2. Allow synthetic turf in some scenarios
    3. Expanded irrigation guidelines and residential equipment efficiency
    4. Increase flexibility in soil amendment policy

    Board members were not in support of synthetic turf and wanted to see more research on how synthetic turf affected the environment. The intent to partner with other water districts and enforce these landscape standards equitably in all districts was made clear. Overall, the Board supported the proposed water-saving measures, except for artificial turf, and wanted to see less high-water-use grass around town.