"The Pond" Feasibility Study

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Map of Hill Pond

This project is a feasibility assessment and alternatives analysis of the erosion issues at a pond (unnamed) along the Spring Creek trail, just northwest of The Gardens on Spring Creek. Earlier documents refer to the pond as Hill Pond. After November 2023, project documents will refer to the pond simply as "the pond" to avoid confusion.

This is a multi-faceted concern impacting multiple landowners, a ditch company, and the City of Fort Collins. The City agreed to fund this initial study to help identify problems, potential solutions, and financial considerations. Decisions based on this study would be a collaborative community effort based on funding, land ownership, stakeholder input, and community input.

This project is a feasibility assessment and alternatives analysis of the erosion issues at a pond (unnamed) along the Spring Creek trail, just northwest of The Gardens on Spring Creek. Earlier documents refer to the pond as Hill Pond. After November 2023, project documents will refer to the pond simply as "the pond" to avoid confusion.

This is a multi-faceted concern impacting multiple landowners, a ditch company, and the City of Fort Collins. The City agreed to fund this initial study to help identify problems, potential solutions, and financial considerations. Decisions based on this study would be a collaborative community effort based on funding, land ownership, stakeholder input, and community input.

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9 months

Page last updated: 01 Apr 2024, 02:40 PM