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Consultation has concluded
The purpose of the Mountain Avenue Reshaping Concept Study is to identify future improvements for Mountain Avenue between Howes Street and the Lincoln Avenue Bridge. Known and developing issues will be addressed, such as missing sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, streetscape deficiencies, vehicle circulation, bicycle facility gaps, intersection functionality, and curb-use demand (deliveries, on-demand pickups and drop-offs).
The concept study will develop a vision for Mountain Avenue that celebrates the importance and history of the corridor that is beautiful and user friendly and also supports the businesses along and adjacent to Mountain Avenue.
This project originally began in early 2020, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The City resumed this project in 2021.
The purpose of the Mountain Avenue Reshaping Concept Study is to identify future improvements for Mountain Avenue between Howes Street and the Lincoln Avenue Bridge. Known and developing issues will be addressed, such as missing sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, streetscape deficiencies, vehicle circulation, bicycle facility gaps, intersection functionality, and curb-use demand (deliveries, on-demand pickups and drop-offs).
The concept study will develop a vision for Mountain Avenue that celebrates the importance and history of the corridor that is beautiful and user friendly and also supports the businesses along and adjacent to Mountain Avenue.
This project originally began in early 2020, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The City resumed this project in 2021.
As we restart the Mountain Avenue Reshaping project, we want to hear from you! Take a short survey about your experience on Mountain Avenue and any changes you would like to see.
This survey will end on Sept. 12.
Consultation has concluded
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