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Community Input for Civic Assembly

We understand that not everyone can participate directly in the Civic Assembly process, which is why we're offering this online survey to ensure broader community input. 

Please note that this survey closes at 5 p.m. on March 5, 2025.

Feedback from the survey will be compiled and shared with Civic Assembly delegates, alongside input gathered from previous engagement efforts, Community Guides and other sources, to ensure a diverse range of voices.

As you answer these questions, please keep in mind the parameters of the project:

  • The Assembly will work to answer the question “Informed by the diverse needs of our community, what use(s) of the Hughes site will contribute most effectively to Fort Collins’ long-term vitality and meet the requirements outlined in the 2021 ballot measure?”
  • The 2021 ballot measure states the City can “use said property for parks, recreation, and open lands, natural areas, and wildlife rescue and restoration, and further prohibiting the City from de-annexing, ceasing acquisition efforts or subsequently rezoning the property without voter approval of a separate initiative referred to the voters by City Council…”


If you prefer not to complete the survey online, you may also download a hard copy of the survey in Microsoft Word format to complete and return. 
