City Priorities & Goals

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Your priorities for the community help shape the City’s overall direction, how your local government allocates tax dollars to achieve specific goals, and the programs and services offered for everyone. As the City embarks on an update to its strategic plan and the next budget development cycle, your thoughts and ideas can influence where Fort Collins goes next, and how.

We invite you to share your thoughts using the interactive tools on this page. Sign up to receive updates and invitations to participate in future engagement activities.


Your priorities for the community help shape the City’s overall direction, how your local government allocates tax dollars to achieve specific goals, and the programs and services offered for everyone. As the City embarks on an update to its strategic plan and the next budget development cycle, your thoughts and ideas can influence where Fort Collins goes next, and how.

We invite you to share your thoughts using the interactive tools on this page. Sign up to receive updates and invitations to participate in future engagement activities.

  • 2025-26 Budget

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    The City of Fort Collins has begun the development of the 2025-26 Budget. The process begins with City Council adoption of the 2024 Strategic Plan with a work session scheduled in February and adoption in March). That document then guides the budgeting process for the programs and services provided to the Community.

    The City of Fort Collins uses a priority-based process called Budgeting for Outcomes or BFO. These short videos provide an overview of that process. The video called 'Budget 101' is available in both Spanish and English. The other videos are available with Spanish subtitles.

    Visit for a budget timeline and details about the budget process.

  • City Manager's Quarterly Report (May 2024)

    Share City Manager's Quarterly Report (May 2024) on Facebook Share City Manager's Quarterly Report (May 2024) on Twitter Share City Manager's Quarterly Report (May 2024) on Linkedin Email City Manager's Quarterly Report (May 2024) link

    The City Manager wants to keep you informed on what's happening at the City. The City Manager’s Quarterly Report provides updates on key programs and projects, City financials and metrics that help track how we’re serving our community.

    Please let us know what new topics you would like to read about and share your feedback!

    Subscribe to our mailing list | View the report archive

    View the May 2024 City Manager's Quarterly Report

  • 2024 Community Survey

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    2024 Community Survey packets are mailed to a selection of randomly selected households across Fort Collins beginning in late April. Residents who received the survey are encouraged to complete it and return by mail or online using the unique link code provided.

    Didn't receive one in the mail? You can still participate online! The survey is open to all residents, available in English and Spanish, on an opt-in basis between May 17-31, 2024.

    The survey closes on May 31, 2024. A final report of the survey results will be presented to City Council and the community in mid-August, 2024.

  • 2024 Strategic Plan

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    The 2024 City of Fort Collins Strategic Plan was adopted by City Council in March 2024. The plan, which is reviewed and updated every two years, outlines the City’s short- and mid-term strategic objectives, influences the City’s budgeting process, and guides the implementation of City services.

    The plan reflects the diverse perspectives and contributions of community members, businesses, Councilmembers and City staff, and informs the City’s budget and workplans for the next several years.

    Click here to view the 2024 Strategic Plan website

    Photo of the cover of the printed 2024 Strategic Plan

  • City Goals Conversation | Conversación Sobre Objetivos de la Ciudad

    Share City Goals Conversation | Conversación Sobre Objetivos de la Ciudad on Facebook Share City Goals Conversation | Conversación Sobre Objetivos de la Ciudad on Twitter Share City Goals Conversation | Conversación Sobre Objetivos de la Ciudad on Linkedin Email City Goals Conversation | Conversación Sobre Objetivos de la Ciudad link

    The Center for Public Deliberation (CPD) and the City of Fort Collins are partnering to host three community-wide conversations to address the City's outcome areas. Outcomes are high level goals the City hopes to achieve for the overall community. During these events, you'll be able to chat with other community members about what each outcome area means to you and how the City might work to realize these various outcomes. A team of CPD’s student facilitators will help guide conversations, and we'll be taking notes to provide your input directly to the City. After the event, confirmed attendees can receive a $50 King Soopers gift card. Dinner is provided. Spanish translation and interpretation available. ASL interpretation available.


    Center for Public Deliberation (CPD) y la ciudad de Fort Collins se asociaron para organizar tres conversaciones con toda la comunidad con el fin de abordar las áreas de resultados de la ciudad. Los resultados son las metas de alto nivel que la ciudad espera alcanzar para la comunidad en general. Durante estos eventos, podrá conversar con otros integrantes de la comunidad sobre lo que significa cada área de objetivos o resultados para usted y cómo la ciudad podría trabajar para lograr estos diversos objetivos o resultados. Un equipo de facilitadores estudiantiles de CPD ayudará a guiar las conversaciones y tomaremos notas para compartir su opinión directamente con los responsables de la toma de decisiones de la ciudad. Después del evento, los asistentes confirmados pueden recibir una tarjeta de regalo King Soopers de $50. Se ofrecerán cena y servicios de traducción e interpretación al español en cada evento. También habrá interpretación de lengua de señas estadounidense (ASL) disponible.


    Location: Fort Collins Senior Center, 1200 Raintree Drive

    • Thursday, Sept. 28
      5:30-8:00 p.m.
      Transportation / Economic Health
    • Wednesday, Oct. 11
      5:30-8:00 p.m.
      Neighborhood Livability & Social Health / Environmental Health
    • Wednesday, Oct.r 25
      5:30-8:00 p.m.
      Culture & Recreation / Safe Community
    • Jueves 28 de septiembre
      5:30-8:00 p.m.
      Transporte / Salud económica
    • Miércoles 11 de octubre
      5:30-8:00 p.m.
      Habitabilidad y salud dentro de la comunidad / Salud ambiental
    • Miércoles 25 de octubre
      5:30-8:00 p.m.
      Cultura y recreación / Comunidad segura

    Click here to download an event flyer | Haga clic aquí para descargar un folleto del evento

Page last updated: 03 Jul 2024, 08:41 AM