Community Services Director
Recruitment for the Community Services Director has been completed with Seve Ghose being selected for the role.
The City of Fort Collins is in the hiring process for a new Director of Community Services, which includes the Cultural Services, Natural Areas, Park Planning & Development, Parks and Recreation Departments. There are currently four finalists for the role (bios below), who will participate in interviews and selection events the week of May 17, including an online forum.
Due to COVID-19 public health considerations, all selection activities will take place virtually.
About the Position
The Community Services Director serves a vital leadership role in the organization and leads a large service area that provides immense value to the community. The Director provides strategic and forward-thinking leadership that is centered in equity to the departments of Cultural Services, Natural Areas, Parks, Park Planning & Development, and Recreation. This position embraces the holistic, interconnected elements of Community Services and effectively contributes to the City’s strong reputation as a destination community. The City enlisted the support of The Novak Consulting Group to lead the search.
Watch Public Forum(External link)
A public, stakeholder-focused, forum was held on Monday, May 17 via Zoom. View the recording(External link) to meet the finalists and listen as a City moderator asks questions.
Want to offer feedback on the candidates? Fill out the feedback form(External link) after viewing the recorded forum.
Note: The feedback form will be available until noon on Thursday, May 20.
La Ciudad de Fort Collins se encuentra en proceso de contratación de un nuevo Director de Servicios Comunitarios, que incluye los Departamentos de Servicios Culturales, Áreas Naturales, Planificación y Desarrollo de Parques y Parques y Recreación. Actualmente hay cuatro finalistas para el puesto, los cuales participarán en entrevistas y eventos de selección, incluido un foro en línea, la semana del 17 de mayo.
¡Usted está invitado!
Únase a nosotros en un foro virtual orientado a las partes interesadas el lunes 17 de mayo a las 6:00 p. m. Conozca a los cuatro finalistas por medio de Zoom y preste atención a las preguntas que un moderador de la Ciudad les hará a los candidatos en vivo. Usted tendrá también la oportunidad de dar su opinión sobre sus impresiones con respecto a cada uno de los candidatos al final del foro. Visite para obtener más información sobre los cuatro finalistas y enviar sus preguntas.
Recruitment for the Community Services Director has been completed with Seve Ghose being selected for the role.