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The Home2Health project has concluded. For information about ongoing Housing Strategic Plan implementation, please visit https://www.fcgov.com/housing(External link). Thank you!

 Photo: Community Summit 2021

Community Summits & Wrap Up Overview

 The Community Summits and Wrap Up completed on the evening of May 3rd. Home2Health and City staff who supported the completion of the Housing Strategic Plan were joined by Summit participants, community members as well as Darin Atteberry, City Manager and our new Mayor, Jeni Arndt who both shared sentiments of gratitude for the deep-dive the City has taken on addressing housing concerns in our community. City Council will be meeting this summer to discuss next steps of the Housing Strategic Plan implementation. In the meantime, small working groups are starting to form across the City to start addressing specific strategies from the plan.  

Home2Health wants to give a huge thanks to everyone who has supported our work over the last few years of our grant project and especially to those that continued to participate during these difficult and unusual times. 

 Thank You Fort Collins!

*Click here for a full post-event summary.

Para traducción al español, haga clic aquí.

Interested in reading the full Housing Strategic Plan(External link)?

Do you need the Housing Strategic Plan in Spanish(External link)?

 Photo: Community Summit 2021

Community Summits & Wrap Up Overview

 The Community Summits and Wrap Up completed on the evening of May 3rd. Home2Health and City staff who supported the completion of the Housing Strategic Plan were joined by Summit participants, community members as well as Darin Atteberry, City Manager and our new Mayor, Jeni Arndt who both shared sentiments of gratitude for the deep-dive the City has taken on addressing housing concerns in our community. City Council will be meeting this summer to discuss next steps of the Housing Strategic Plan implementation. In the meantime, small working groups are starting to form across the City to start addressing specific strategies from the plan.  

Home2Health wants to give a huge thanks to everyone who has supported our work over the last few years of our grant project and especially to those that continued to participate during these difficult and unusual times. 

 Thank You Fort Collins!

*Click here for a full post-event summary.

Para traducción al español, haga clic aquí.

Interested in reading the full Housing Strategic Plan(External link)?

Do you need the Housing Strategic Plan in Spanish(External link)?

The Home2Health project has concluded. For information about ongoing Housing Strategic Plan implementation, please visit https://www.fcgov.com/housing(External link). Thank you!

  • May News Updates

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    13 May 2020

    Para traducción al español, haga clic aquí.

    Fort Collins Red Cross Nurse Parade from 1917. This is WWI-related and not flu-related, but it does show the town of Fort Collins coming together and gives us a historical glimpse into our city. (Museum of Discovery Photo Archives)

    Home2Health & the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery: Making History

    As we continue to navigate through the uncertainty of COVID-19, one thing that is certain is that stories about health and housing have never been more important to capture. The Home2Health project is collaborating with the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery’s Making History project to collect community stories through one central platform. Home2Health will use the stories collected to inform future health and housing policy. Beyond stories, you can share observations, images, sound files, and moving images. The Museum will be taking digital submissions throughout the COVID-19 health crisis, and over time, they plan to expand by collecting artwork, journals, interviews and objects that help tell the story of this unprecedented time in history. Ultimately, submitted materials will become part of the Collections and Archive at Fort Collins Museum of Discovery and may be used in future exhibits, programs, and publications. The prompts on the Museum’s online form(External link) are general so, when sharing your story, we encourage you to consider these two additional questions:

    1. How has COVID-19 and the economic shutdown impacted your health and/or housing?
    2. How should we use this COVID-19 health crisis to create opportunities for better health and housing in our community?

    Ready to share your story? Click here(External link) to get started!

    Concerned about your privacy? The name and email fields of this form are not required and allow you to submit an anonymous story. If you have any questions, concerns, or technical difficulties, please reach out to the Home2Health team at home2health@fcgov.com(External link).

    CSU’s Center for Public Deliberation – Community Guides, Phase 2

    Our partners at CSU’s Center for Public Deliberation have just launched Phase 2 of the Home2Health Community Guide program. Community Guides work to lift the voices of our communities by conducting conversations within their own networks and providing feedback from those discussions to the City.

    For this round of engagement, we’ll continue hearing from our residents about their experiences with housing and health and will expand those conversations to learn about the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic impacts. Currently, we’re recruiting guides who have previously worked with the City and the CPD as Community Guides, Plan Ambassadors, or a Community Partners for Home2Health, Our Climate Future, or City Plan. If you’ve worked in that capacity before and want to be a part of the Community Guide program, apply here(External link)!

    We’re hoping to open this opportunity to the wider community soon, particularly for those interested in connecting with historically underserved community members. If you’re interested in becoming a Community Guide in the future or want to learn more, visit the Community Guide Training Hub(External link), which offers online lessons on how to conduct conversations and connect with community members.

    For Fort Collins & For FoCo

    Recently, a collaboration of community partners launched a campaign aimed at supporting local businesses, particularly those in the industries most affected by COVID-19. This campaign is called “For Fort Collins” and the website forfortcollins.com(External link) is a source of information for the latest physical distancing requirements and best practices for local business.

    For FoCo, a companion website, will serve as a resource for Fort Collins residents to share stories, photos and video about how they are staying connected to neighbors and the larger community during both the outbreak and recovery efforts. This site has a variety of engagement opportunities and we encourage you to check out both sites to stay educated, up-to-date and, to learn about how to get involved.

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  • Actualizaciones de Mayo

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    13 May 2020

    Proyecto Home2Health

    Home2Health y Fort Collins Museum of Discovery: Making History

    Mientras seguimos atravesando la incertidumbre de COVID-19, lo cierto es que el registro de historias sobre la salud y la vivienda nunca ha sido más importante en estos tiempos. El proyecto Home2Health está colaborando con el proyecto Fort Collins Museum of Discovery: Making History (Museo del Descubrimiento de Fort Collins: Haciendo Historia) para recopilar historias de la comunidad a través de una plataforma central. Home2Health utilizará las historias recopiladas para informar la próxima política de salud y vivienda. Además de las historias, se puede compartir observaciones, imágenes, archivos de sonido e imágenes en movimiento. Durante la crisis sanitaria por COVID-19, el museo recibirá materiales en formato digital y con el tiempo, planea expandir la recolección de obras de arte, diarios, entrevistas y objetos que ayuden a contar la historia de este período sin precedentes. Al final, los materiales enviados pasarán a formar parte del área Colecciones y Archivo del Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, asimismo, se podrán utilizar en exhibiciones, programas y publicaciones futuras. Las indicaciones del formulario en línea(External link) del museo son generales, por lo que, al compartir su historia, le recomendamos que considere las siguientes preguntas adicionales:

    1. ¿Cómo ha impactado la enfermedad de COVID-19 y el cierre de actividades económicas su salud y/o vivienda?
    2. ¿Cómo deberíamos usar esta crisis sanitaria por COVID-19 para crear oportunidades a fin de mejorar la salud y la vivienda en nuestra comunidad?

    ¿Está preparado para compartir su historia? ¡Haga clic aquí(External link) para comenzar!

    ¿Le preocupa su privacidad? Los campos de nombre y correo electrónico de este formulario no son obligatorios y está permitido enviar una historia anónima. Si tiene alguna pregunta, inquietud o dificultad técnica, comuníquese con el equipo de Home2Health al correo electrónico: home2health@fcgov.com(External link).

    Center for Public Deliberation de la CSU – Guías comunitarios, fase 2

    Nuestros socios del Center for Public Deliberation (Centro para la Deliberación Pública, CPD) de la CSU acaban de lanzar la fase 2 del programa de Guías comunitarios de Home2Health. Los Guías comunitarios trabajan para llevar las voces de nuestras comunidades manteniendo conversaciones dentro de sus propias redes y dando comentarios sobre esos debates a la ciudad.

    Para esta fase de compromiso, seguiremos escuchando a nuestros residentes sobre sus experiencias con la vivienda y la salud, además ampliaremos estas conversaciones para aprender sobre las consecuencias de la pandemia de COVID-19 y los impactos económicos subsiguientes. Actualmente, estamos reclutando guías que hayan trabajado previamente con la ciudad y el CPD como Guías Comunitarios, Embajadores del Plan, o Socios de la Comunidad para Home2Health, Nuestro Futuro Climático o Plan de la Ciudad. Si ha trabajado en esa función antes y quiere ser parte del programa de Guías comunitarios, ¡inscríbase aquí(External link)!

    Esperamos ofrecer pronto esta oportunidad a la comunidad en general, en particular para las personas que están interesadas en relacionarse con los miembros de la comunidad históricamente desatendidos. Si está interesado en convertirse en un Guía comunitario en el futuro o quiere obtener más información, visite el Centro de Capacitación para Guías Comunitarios(External link), el cual ofrece lecciones en línea sobre cómo mantener conversaciones y relacionarse con los miembros de la comunidad.

    For Fort Collins y For FoCo

    Hace poco, una colaboración de socios comunitarios lanzó una campaña cuyo objetivo es apoyar a las empresas locales, en particular a las que pertenecen a las industrias más afectadas por COVID-19. Esta campaña se llama "For Fort Collins" (Para Fort Collins) y el sitio web, forfortcollins.com(External link), brinda información sobre los últimos requisitos de distanciamiento físico y las buenas prácticas para las empresas locales.

    For FoCo (Para FoCo), es un sitio web complementario, que servirá como recurso para que los residentes de Fort Collins compartan historias, fotos y videos sobre cómo se mantienen en contacto con los vecinos y la comunidad en general durante el brote y los esfuerzos de recuperación. Este sitio tiene una variedad de oportunidades de participación y lo animamos a que visite ambos sitios para mantenerse informado, actualizado y para saber sobre cómo participar.

  • April News Updates

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    13 Apr 2020
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    Home2Health and COVID-19

    As we move into the month of April, we see glimpses of Spring. The weather is warming, the grass is getting greener and yet something is missing. Many of us are viewing the world from the comforts of home yet missing the comforts of physical community and connection…In this time of uncertainty, we want you to know that the Home2Health Team is here for you!

    The City of Fort Collins and numerous partners are working tirelessly to provide up-to-date information as the COVID-19 outbreak progresses. We are striving to offer all of our community members access to real-time information and resources. For the most up-to-date information regarding Stay-at-Home, Closures, FAQ’s and other COVID-19 resources, please visit the City of Fort Collins Coronavirus Information page here(External link).

    Though all of the Home2Health events are at a stand-still for now, there are still a few ways for you to stay active and involved in the Home2Health project as we shift into virtual ways of engaging with each other. Storytelling about health and housing is relevant now more than ever before. There is an opportunity for you to share your story about how COVID-19 is affecting you and your family as well as general stories about housing affordability and health equity. Visit this section of our Home2Health website for more information on storytelling.

    Visit these resource links below:

    COVID19 Resources

    For all residents: https://www.fcgov.com/eps/coronavirus(External link)

    For businesses: https://www.fcgov.com/business/(External link)

    Want to help or need help?: https://www.fcgov.com/volunteer/(External link)

    Resources from United Way: https://uwaylc.org(External link)

    Recursos COVID-19

    Para integrantes de la comunidad: https://www.fcgov.com/eps/coronavirus(External link)

    Para empresas: https://www.fcgov.com/business/(External link)

    ¿Quieres ayudar o necesitas ayuda? https://www.fcgov.com/volunteer/(External link)

    Recursos de United Way: https://uwaylc.org(External link)

    2-1-1 Colorado: https://www.211colorado.org/covid-19/(External link)

    Colorado Tenant’s Guide to COVID-19: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQABJuY4-YZmSk_OEYKOaWD4Vmw1_7wiDHmEoIjTqoBnqPsfQgNXDQgYf5_hT9zJjejaIfAfMnVBJZn/pub(External link)

  • March & April News Updates

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    20 Mar 2020
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    A Local Stories Night was a great success! We had a wonderful showing of Fort Collins community members and the feedback we have received about the event, specifically about the five digital stories has been heart-warming to say the least.

    We had several community resources at the event including but not limited to the following:

    We also had information about our new Pop-Up Storytelling Station which is an on-the-go storytelling option we are excited to share with Fort Collins community members. To view the digital stories or to share your own story on our Home2Health website or with our Pop-Up Storytelling Station click here for more details.

    To read A Local Stories Night post-event summary, click here.

    Key Home2Health Dates in March & April Postponed

    In response to the latest local, state and federal recommendations regarding public gatherings and recommended precautions for preventing the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are postponing all in-person Home2Health activities originally scheduled for March and April. We are currently investigating alternative options for engagement, including web-based meetings. Thank you in advance for your patience!

    We will send updates through the Home2Health email list. Please sign-up on this site to receive project updates.

    The following events have been postponed until further notice:

    • March 19th Lunch & Learn

    12-1pm, 222 Laporte Avenue, Colorado River Room (first floor)

    • April 16th Community Conversation

    6-8pm, Northside Aztlan Community Center, 112 E. Willow Street, Eagle Room (first floor)

    • April 20thStrategic Doing Follow-Up Meeting

    10-12pm, Northside Aztlan Community Center, 112 E. Willow Street, Eagle Room (first floor)

    Please note: The City of Fort Collins is working closely with the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment (LCDHE) and other regional partners to actively monitor local Coronavirus developments.

    For information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Larimer County, please visit the LCDHE website: https://www.larimer.org/health/communicable-disease/coronavirus-covid-19(External link).

    Other sources of up-to-date information include the Centers for Disease Control(External link) (CDC) and the Colo(External link)rado Department of Public Health and Environment(External link) (CDPHE).

    Thank you for your interest in Home2Health and for your ongoing participation. Stay safe and healthy!

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  • A night of storytelling!

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    28 Feb 2020

    We’re having a community conversation about housing and health equity in Fort Collins and hope you can be a part of it. We believe that sharing experience is a powerful way to give a holistic perspective to our local challenges. With that philosophy in mind, the Home2Health project is hosting a free video screening and panel discussion to showcase the stories of community members as they relate to housing and health.

    Tendremos una conversación comunitaria acerca de temas de vivienda y equidad de salud en Fort Collins y esperamos que nos puedan acompañar. Creemos que compartir nuestras experiencias es una manera poderosa de dar una perspectiva general acerca de nuestros retos locales. Con esa filosofía en mente, el proyecto Home2Health ofrece un evento en el cual podrán ver cortometrajes y participar en un panel de discusión que iluminan historias de integrantes de la comunidad y su relación con vivienda y salud.

    Event Details:

    • Thursday, Feb. 27, 6:30-8 p.m.
    • The Lyric, 1209 N College Avenue
    • Seating is limited – first come, first served
    • Tickets are free at the door and cannot be reserved ahead of time
    • Open to the public
    • Interpretation will be provided

    Detalles del Evento

    • Jueves, 27 de febrero, 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
    • The Lyric, 1209 N College Avenue
    • Cupo limitado por orden de llegada
    • Boletos para el evento son gratuitos y se recogen en la puerta, no se pueden reservar con anticipación
    • Abierto a todo el publico
    • Servicio de interpretación

  • Resource Available: Colorado Health Institute Report - Home Equity(External link)

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    18 Nov 2019
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    In August 2019, the Colorado Health Institute published Home Equity: A Vision of Housing Security, Health and Opportunity. The report summarizes data from across Colorado and outlines the wide range of housing and health challenges facing many families and individuals in our state. The following is from the Colorado Health Institute website(External link):

    "Housing affects health. The affordability, stability, quality, and accessibility of housing all play a role in individuals’ and communities’ health. The connection is clear, but it’s a complicated undertaking to build a system that addresses needs and inequities in both housing and health.

    A rapid increase in Colorado housing prices is straining many Colorado households. Discriminatory policies in the past and present make the situation even more challenging for people of color. The statistics are striking:

    • The average Colorado home price increased 77 percent in the past decade, but the state’s median income went up just 4.5 percent.
    • Overall, 26 percent of white Coloradans live in households that are cost-burdened, meaning they spend more than 30 percent of their income on housing; among African Americans, it’s 39 percent.
    • Denver has the nation’s second-highest rate of involuntary displacement of Hispanic residents (behind only San Jose, California).
    The good news is that across Colorado, people are working to build a more equitable system that will allow everyone to have a stable home, which in turn provides the foundation for good health."

    This resource is one among many that are guiding the early work of the Home2Health project. Understanding the context of Colorado as a whole is important as we compile data to show how Fort Collins residents are experiencing challenges with housing affordability and health. To read the full report, visit https://www.coloradohealthinstitute.org/sites/default/files/file_attachments/Housing%20Equity.pdf(External link).