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A tri-panel of photos: homes under construction, a development plan, and a site worker.

Welcome to City Planning and Development Review

City Planning is where Fort Collins plans to meet the challenges of the future. When you see a construction project being built in your neighborhood, did you know that City of Fort Collins staff have been hard at work months or even years before shovels break ground? 

Development Review

Development Review is the process through which development proposals are examined, edited and approved or denied by the City before they can obtain the site inspections and building permits they need to begin construction.

Long Range Planning

We help create and enhance a vibrant, world-class community by supporting efforts that define and realize our community's aspirations. We connect people, places, and services through innovative planning, partnerships and forums for effective community engagement.

Our Vision

In our community, our teams work together to shape our future by envisioning sustainable development, evaluating projects, ensuring regulatory compliance, and integrating environmental considerations. While we each play our own role, we collaborate to ensure a livable and sustainable city for us all.