City Plan

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Consultation has concluded on this project and this page will no longer be updated.

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Fort Collins City Plan kicked off in February 2018 and was unanimously adopted by City Council on April 16, 2019! We are incredibly grateful for the input you have shared with us over the past year. Copies of City Plan and the Transit Master Plan are available in the Document Library on the right side of this page. Download the Plans and take a look!

Over the next several months, we will be transitioning content on this page and in the Plan documents on to a new website and this page will be archived to make room for other important projects that need your input.

Fort Collins City Plan kicked off in February 2018 and was unanimously adopted by City Council on April 16, 2019! We are incredibly grateful for the input you have shared with us over the past year. Copies of City Plan and the Transit Master Plan are available in the Document Library on the right side of this page. Download the Plans and take a look!

Over the next several months, we will be transitioning content on this page and in the Plan documents on to a new website and this page will be archived to make room for other important projects that need your input.

Consultation has concluded on this project and this page will no longer be updated.

  • Take the City Plan Visioning Questionnaire!

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    NOTE: The Visioning questionnaire is now closed. A summary of the visioning phase will be released in August 2018.

    Did you miss April's Community Visioning workshops? Don't worry - there is still an opportunity to provide input on the City Plan Vision! First, check out this video about the Future of Fort Collins - as imagined by youth in our community. Then, take the online questionnaire! The questionnaire mirrors the activities and discussions from the Visioning workshops. You can tell us about what values matter most for our community, whether the current City Plan vision is on the right track, and what might be missing from our current approach. The questionnaire will be available until Wednesday, June 13.

    If you are looking for even more information about the City Plan visioning results to date, check out the Visioning Workshops Summary. For those of you who enjoy digging into the data, all of the individual input received, along with workshop materials and much more information, is available in the Document Library.

  • Our Vision for Fort Collins: RSVP for Community Workshops

    Share Our Vision for Fort Collins: RSVP for Community Workshops on Facebook Share Our Vision for Fort Collins: RSVP for Community Workshops on Twitter Share Our Vision for Fort Collins: RSVP for Community Workshops on Linkedin Email Our Vision for Fort Collins: RSVP for Community Workshops link
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    The current version of City Plan sets a vision for the future of Fort Collins:

    "Through innovation, sustainability, and connections the City of Fort Collins aspires to create a vibrant, world-class community." (City Plan, 2011)

    But what does that vision mean to you? What is your vision for the future of our community?

    We would like to invite you to participate in workshop-style conversations about the City Plan vision. On four different days in April, we will be hosting facilitated, small-group conversations to delve more deeply into the existing City Plan vision. These workshops are an opportunity to discuss shared values, as well as the tradeoffs and tensions that occur when people have differing priorities. The input we receive from these visioning workshops will help refine and update the City Plan vision.

    Please join us! Space is limited for these workshops, so be sure to RSVP.


    Identical visioning workshops will be held on four separate dates in four different parts of the community to provide an opportunity for smaller, workshop-style conversations. Light appetizers will be served at all events. Free childcare and language interpretation are also available, but please RSVP to help us provide the appropriate resources.

    Wednesday, April 11 |6-8pm

    Northside Aztlan Center, Eagle Room | 112 E Willow St | map

    Thursday, April 12 |6-8pm

    Senior Center, Prairie Sage Room | 1200 Raintree Dr | map

    Saturday, April 14 |10am-12pm

    Council Tree Library, Community Room | 2733 Council Tree Ave | map

    Monday, April 23 |6-8pm

    Harmony Library, Community Room | 4616 S Shields St | map

    Questions? Need more information? Email us at

  • Kickoff Video, Summary, and Draft Trends and Forces Report Now Available

    Share Kickoff Video, Summary, and Draft Trends and Forces Report Now Available on Facebook Share Kickoff Video, Summary, and Draft Trends and Forces Report Now Available on Twitter Share Kickoff Video, Summary, and Draft Trends and Forces Report Now Available on Linkedin Email Kickoff Video, Summary, and Draft Trends and Forces Report Now Available link
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    A big THANK YOU to everyone who joined us at the City Plan kickoff event on February 12! It was an exciting night of envisioning the future of Fort Collins together as a community. Over 500 people attended the kickoff event and we are grateful for the time, energy, and enthusiasm everyone brought to the City Plan process. Thanks also to Bryan Willson, Executive Director of the Energy Institute at Colorado State University. His keynote remarks addressed what innovation is, how it has shaped our history, and how it can lead to success in Fort Collins. To see the full presentations from the event, check out the video HERE!

    During the Open House portion of the event, community members had an opportunity to share their ideas and concerns and to learn more about how to stay connected throughout the City Plan process. Community members were also asked to fill out a "report card" to grade the existing conditions and trends of Fort Collins and to evaluate how the various focus areas should be prioritized moving forward. To read more about what we heard from the community, check out the Kickoff Event Summary.

    The City Plan kickoff was the first time we shared the draft City Plan Trends and Forces Report with the public. This report highlights major trends and key issues facing the City of Fort Collins, and will help guide the focus areas of City Plan as we move into the visioning phase.

    If you couldn't come to the kickoff event, we hope you will add your thoughts online! Share your responses to the Big Questions or click on the Forum tab to join the conversation. You can also take our Quick Poll on the right side of this page to tell us which focus area is most important to you.

  • Apply to be a Plan Ambassador or Community Partner!

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    What would YOU like Fort Collins to be like in the year 2040?

    Fort Collins is looking to the future, and we need your help! An update to Fort Collins’ comprehensive plan is just getting started, and we want to make sure we hear from the community about the future of our city.

    If you have ever wanted to bring people together to talk about the opportunities and challenges facing Fort Collins, now is your chance. We hope you will consider becoming a City Plan Ambassador (for individuals) or applying for a Community Partner Grant (for organizations) to help us shape city growth, transportation, transit, and more! Click below for more information about these brand-new programs and to apply! We will be accepting applications until February 16, 2018.

    Plan Ambassadors: English

    Embajadores del Plan: Español

    Community Partners: English

    Socios Comunitarios: Español

    Questions? Need more information? Email us at

  • Fall Ramp-Up Events: Getting Ready!

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    Even though City Plan won't be officially underway until early 2018, we'd like to invite you to participate in these upcoming events to help us get ready!

    Thursday, October 26, 5-7pm
    2nd Annual Bike Projects Fair
    Fort Collins Museum of Discovery
    408 Mason Court, Fort Collins, CO 80524 (map)
    More information:

    We'll be on hand to answer general questions about the City Plan process. Other City departments will also be providing information on upcoming bike-related improvements and projects. PLUS food trucks, games, prizes and more!

    Thursday, November 2, 6-8pm
    Community Issues Forum
    Senior Center
    1200 Raintree Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80526 (map)
    More information: Facebook Event

    Note: RSVP is required. Click here to let us know you're coming!

    We'll be discussing housing mix and residential growth as Fort Collins approaches buildout. We'll be playing a fun interactive game (with LEGOs!) to help the discussion along. This event is a collaboration with Colorado State University's Center for Public Deliberation (CPD). RSVP is required as space (and the number of LEGOs we have) is limited!

  • Fort Collins City Plan: Planning Our Future. Together.

    Share Fort Collins City Plan: Planning Our Future. Together. on Facebook Share Fort Collins City Plan: Planning Our Future. Together. on Twitter Share Fort Collins City Plan: Planning Our Future. Together. on Linkedin Email Fort Collins City Plan: Planning Our Future. Together. link
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    Have you ever thought about what Fort Collins might look and feel like 20 years from now?

    The latest update to City Plan will be getting underway this winter, and we hope you will help shape the community’s vision for Fort Collins! City Plan will address land use, transportation and transit, and many other topics. When adopted by City Council, the new City Plan will be the overarching policy document guiding decisions and public and private development throughout Fort Collins.

    What Is City Plan, Anyway?

    City Plan is the comprehensive plan for Fort Collins, and is a policy guide for decisions about our future. One of the earliest and most important parts of developing City Plan will be describing a shared community vision – what kind of place do we want Fort Collins to be in 20 years? We will be attending community festivals and events, facilitating public meetings, and providing lots of opportunities to share your thoughts both in person and online.

    Next, we will create several scenarios that illustrate what the future might look like. How will our transportation system change? Where will people live, work, and play? How could the remaining vacant land in Fort Collins develop? After facilitating community discussions about the scenarios, we will then develop policies that will help achieve the kind of future the community envisions for Fort Collins.

    Have Ideas? Get Involved!

    The best future for Fort Collins is one that we all shape together. As we get underway with City Plan this summer, we hope you will share your enthusiasm, time, and ideas with us! Updating City Plan will take about 18-24 months, and your input will be critical. Each phase of the plan will include lots of opportunities for you to share ideas and participate in the planning process. Register now to stay informed about upcoming events!